
The seven main health benefits of vitamin C Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant Antioxidants act to protect the cells and limit the damage by stabilizing and mopping up free radicals. So Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Beta Carotene could help keep the body younger and protect it against serious life threatening conditions. Studies  show that consuming more vitamin C can increase your blood antioxidant levels by up to 30%. This helps the body's natural defences fight inflammation. In relation to exercise, where oxidative stress and free radicals are prevalent due to the intense nature of it and its effect on the body, exercise-induced oxidative stress is highest for people with lower vitamin C levels. We can then surmise that if you are currently training and engaging in intense daily workouts that you should supplement with vitamin C to prevent the deleterious effects of free radicals. Vitamin C lowers your blood pressure As vitamin C is water soluble, it also acts as a d...

Universiti Sains Malaysia , Kubang Kerian

Universiti Sains Malaysia,Kampus Kesihatan Hai semua , after habis matrik , asasi , form 6 , diploma nak sambung degree dekat mana? Okey harini Nena nak cerita pasal Usm : USM ni ada 3 kampus dekat Malaysia  1) Kampus Utama , Penang 2) Kampus kesihatan ,Kelantan 3) Kampus Kejuruteraan ,Penang Reference :